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Serving the Real Estate needs of the communities of Manassas, Bristow, Haymarket, Warrenton, Gainesville and Culpeper  in Northern Virginia

Dave Scardina  
Broker / Owner



View Haymarket Real Estate News

5 Steps To Sell Your Haymarket Home

Selling your Haymarket home is a process that involves five basic steps. These steps are Preparing the Home for Sale, Finding a Buyer, Qualifying the Buyer, Negotiating the Terms, Handling all the Details needed to finalize the sale. If you list your home your real estate agent takes responsibility for each step. If you sell on your own, it is your responsibility to complete each step.

Preparing to Sell Your Haymarket Home

Experienced agents know what puts prospective buyers off when they view a home, especially Haymarket. For example, when buyers find dirty dishes in the sink, notice offensive pet odors or spot obvious stains suggesting a leaking roof they begin to devalue the property. Some buyers may decide to pass on the house completely while others may think about making an offer way below the asking price. So, a good agent’s first step is to help the homeowner see the house as others will see it and take care of problems.

Buying Haymarket Below Market

While the perfect Haymarket option at the right price might come on the market within a couple of weeks, don’t expect that kind of time frame. You must be prepared to wait months for right property, and the Haymarket is no exception. Remember, most sellers tend to ask MORE than their property is worth, not less so bargains don’t pop up every day. Often times, homes that are on the market for too long a period of time will come down in price as the homeowners get tired of having their house for sale but unless the seller is really pressed, home prices tend to come down is small increments unless there is an unfortunate circumstance that might cause the homeowner to price the Haymarket under market for the specific purpose of getting a fast sale.

Taking Title to Your Haymarket

There are so many details to consider when purchasing your Haymarket and mounds of legal paperwork to read that sometimes it seems overwhelming. Some important decision can be made ahead of time so you know what is in your best interests when the time comes. For example, right at the end when the paperwork is being signed you may be asked how you want to take title. This is an important decision that should not be rushed but often is. Knowing some of the common forms of Haymarket ownership ahead of time is one way to protect yourself.

A single Haymarket buyer will usually want to take title in his/her name alone. Husbands and wives usually own property through a form of joint ownership such as joint tenancy. Unrelated individuals can take title in a limited partnership arrangement.

What Makes Haymarket Sell?

Books have been written about this topic but to be concise, successful sale depends on six factors: Price; Terms; Location; The Home's Condition; The Home’s Accessibility and the Marketing exposure the Haymarket receives.

Price is what a willing seller and a willing buyer agree on. Price is determined by the current market, which fluctuates causing home values and prices to fluctuate. Often Haymarket that does not sell is over-priced for the current market. Terms can vary as well. Some owners want payment in full, some are willing to carry a second.

Location is a major consideration in pricing and desirability for Haymarket. Has the neighborhood gone to pot or does it look like a street at Disneyland? Are there open spaces nearby or is the home located in the middle of commercial district?

Haymarket BENEFITS

A benefit is an advantage or something that promotes or enhances well-being. A Haymarket benefit might be its location, its home styles, its diversity and/or its proximity to major highways, employment, education and shopping. Whether or not any of these factors are or are not a benefit depends entirely on the point of view of the potential buyer. For example, being close to a major airport might be important for someone who flies a lot and an annoyance to someone who never flies and dislikes the noise of airplanes flying overhead.